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New Bridge Education Consulting: Your Partner in College Application Essay Assistance

Published Oct 04, 23
4 min read

Supplementary Essay Development: Differentiating Yourself from Others For High School Graduates From Cambridge, MA

New Bridge Education Consulting is committed to supporting high school graduates from Cambridge, MA, in developing compelling and unique supplementary essays that will set them apart from other college applicants. The college application process can be overwhelming, and New Bridge's experienced team of consultants is here to guide students through every step.

The Importance of Supplementary Essays

While the main college essay provides an opportunity for students to showcase their personal stories and experiences, supplementary essays allow applicants to delve deeper into specific aspects of their identities, interests, or aspirations. These essays are often required by selective colleges and provide an additional opportunity for applicants to demonstrate their fit for a particular school or program.

Supplementary essays are typically shorter in length and require students to craft concise and impactful narratives. They may explore a particular academic interest, reflect on a significant extracurricular activity, or articulate the reasons why they are drawn to a specific college or major.

Developing a standout supplementary essay requires careful thought and strategic storytelling. It is an opportunity for students to differentiate themselves from other applicants and demonstrate their unique perspectives and qualities.

New Bridge's Approach to Supplementary Essay Development

New Bridge Education Consulting takes a personalized and comprehensive approach to supplementary essay development. They understand that each student has a distinct set of experiences, passions, and goals, and they work closely with students to highlight these qualities in their essays.

The supplementary essay development process at New Bridge involves several key steps:

1. Understanding the Student

The consultants at New Bridge take the time to get to know each student personally. They explore students' interests, achievements, and aspirations through in-depth conversations and questionnaires. This helps them understand the unique aspects of a student's background and identify the most relevant topics for the supplementary essays.

2. Brainstorming and Topic Selection

Once the consultants have a good understanding of the student, they brainstorm potential topics for the supplementary essays. They encourage students to reflect on their experiences, interests, and goals and select topics that align with their passions and demonstrate their fit for the college or program they are applying to.

3. Crafting the Narrative

After selecting a topic, the consultants guide students in crafting a compelling narrative. They help students structure their essays, develop a clear thesis statement, and weave in personal anecdotes or examples to support their main points. The goal is to create a cohesive and engaging narrative that captures the reader's attention.

4. Editing and Polishing

Once the initial draft is complete, New Bridge's experienced writing specialists provide detailed feedback and suggestions for improvement. They focus on improving clarity, coherence, and overall impact. The consultants work closely with students to revise and polish their essays, ensuring that each word contributes to the overall message and showcases the student's unique voice.

Standing Out with Unique Short Writing Pieces

Supplementary essays provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their creativity, critical thinking skills, and ability to communicate effectively. To stand out, it is essential for students to approach these essays with a unique perspective and a clear voice.

New Bridge Education Consulting helps students develop short writing pieces that are both distinctive and meaningful. They encourage students to think outside the box and explore unconventional topics or angles. By showcasing their genuine interests and passions, students can make a memorable impression on the college admissions officers.

The consultants at New Bridge also emphasize the importance of concise and impactful writing. Supplementary essays typically have strict word limits, and it is crucial for students to make every word count. New Bridge's experienced team provides guidance on how to craft focused and persuasive narratives that leave a lasting impact.

Expert Reviewers: Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling's Insights and Feedback

New Bridge Education Consulting's essay review service is led by experienced reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling. They bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the review process, providing students with valuable insights and feedback on their essays.

Linda Lowen has a background in journalism and writing. She is skilled at analyzing the storyline and elements of writing within the context of college admissions. Her feedback focuses on style, voice, clarity, and story logic, helping students strengthen their essays and effectively communicate their ideas.

Stephanie Bartling, the lead counselor at New Bridge, has over 25 years of experience in admissions and college counseling. She takes a holistic approach to counseling and essay review, combining her deep understanding of different educational settings with a personalized commitment to each student's success. Her feedback helps students refine their essays and present themselves in the best possible light.

Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to Essay Coaching

In addition to the expertise of New Bridge's consultants, students benefit from insights provided by Harry Bauld, the author of "On Writing the College Application Essay." With his 30 years of experience as a professional writer and teacher, Bauld offers valuable guidance on revision, compression, attention to voice and language, and the overall art of essay writing. His contribution to New Bridge's essay coaching further enhances the quality and effectiveness of the guidance provided.

New Bridge Education Consulting is dedicated to helping high school graduates from Cambridge, MA, develop outstanding college application essays. With their comprehensive approach, experienced team, and expert reviewers, they empower students to craft personalized and compelling essays that stand out in the highly competitive college admissions process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the main essay and supplementary essays?

While the main essay provides an opportunity for students to share their personal stories and experiences, supplementary essays allow applicants to delve deeper into specific aspects of their identities, interests, or aspirations. Supplementary essays are often required by selective colleges and provide an additional chance for students to showcase their fit for a particular school or program.

How can New Bridge Education Consulting help with supplementary essay development?

New Bridge Education Consulting offers personalized support and guidance throughout the supplementary essay development process. They help students brainstorm topics, craft compelling narratives, and provide feedback and suggestions for improvement. Their experienced team of consultants and writing specialists ensure that students develop unique and standout essays.

What should I focus on in my supplementary essay?

In your supplementary essay, you should focus on highlighting your unique qualities, experiences, and interests that align with the college or program you are applying to. It is an opportunity to demonstrate your fit and passion. New Bridge Education Consulting can help you identify the best topics and craft a compelling narrative that stands out to admissions officers.
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College Essay Writing Help Standing Out in the Admissions Process: Expert Assistance with College Application Essays
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New Bridge Education Consulting: Your Partner in College Application Essay Assistance

Standing Out in the Admissions Process: Expert Assistance with College Application Essays

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